Mery, me, is the one behind Mintha. I live in Spain, Madrid, and I love to enjoy life and create lovely things with my hands. I have been all my life playing and creating.
With Mintha I would love to create something singular made by hand which changes everything.
To enjoy life, we need to know how to appreciate the little things. We need to try to fill our day-to-day with those special moments, with bursts of color.
Sometimes we are so preoccupied, we forget to savor life's little joys.
There are small moments when something wonderful happens, instants when our minds naturally decide to disconnect... to reboot.
There are seconds when the fluttering of a butterfly becomes an important part of your journey.
Those instants are nothing more than a flash, a flicker, a spark, fleetingly providing food for the soul and reminding us that we are human.
With Mintha we want to be that burst of color that brightens your day, that makes your memories special.
Therefore, we take extra special care of every last detail when handcrafting your accessories, trying to include joy and color to your day-to-day momento.
You can find more about us in A bit of Mintha.
Mery, yo, soy quién está detrás de Mintha.
Con Mintha pretendo crear objetos especiales hechos a mano que cambien todo.
Para disfrutar de la vida necesitamos saber apreciar las pequeñas cosas. Tenemos que intentar llenar de color y frescor nuestros momentos. Tenemos nuestras cabezas llenas de preocupaciones que no nos dan permiso a disfrutar la “alegría por alegría”.
Hay pequeños momentos en los que sucede algo maravilloso, instantes en los que de una manera natural, nuestra mente decide desconectar... refrescar.
Segundos en los que el aleteo de una mariposa se convierte en algo importante en tu historia.
Esos instantes no son más que chispas que aromatizan nuestra alma fugazmente y nos recuerdan nuestra humanidad.
Me gustaría que Mintha sea esa chispa de color y frescura que ayuda a que un recuerdo sea especial.
Una chispa hecha a mano que lo cambia todo.
Puedes conocernos mejor en A bit of Mintha.